We are pleased to keep TS-Talent regularly updated. In this new release, you’ll find the following updates:
New Features (yup, just for you!)
- Added a new license type: Managers! This less powerful (and less expensive) license allows you to add more participants in your recruitment process.
- Added feature to import candidates using a CSV file. Even LinkedIn exports are compatible. Wow!
- Added feature to see where, in the candidate’s attachments, specific words are seen. This will highlight the word in its context.
- Promote / demote actions written to a candidate’s history are now multilingual.
- The dashboard widget “Candidates per last 30 days” now has colour. If you’re not using this widget, add it to your dashboard! Also, the dashboard widget position is now kept in memory.
- Added the notion of “Plan” when assigning candidates to a job offer. So if you need to identify your plans A, B, or C, it’s now simple to do.
Bug Fixes (we love to squash them!)
- Fixed problem where sending mass emails not bound to a template could send empty emails. Shame, shame, shame on us…
- Login screen language is now kept if login fails.
- Fixed many translation issues.
- And many other minor bug fixes.
Known Issues
- Clipboard action usually apply to all clipboard content, except mass mailing which only applies to visible objects. You can select “view all” to send to all.
- Logo branding: transparent images (GIF, PNG) will give poor results. Use images with no transparency (ex: JPG).