Our new TS-Talent version is now out! Not only does it provide exceptional job candidate handling and collaboration, but everything has been put in place to enhance and speed up your work experience.
Here’s a quick overview of the new enhacements:
- Ability to select columns to display in the candidate list and searches.
- Ability to schedule candidate meetings using a new calendar / availability features. Recruiters can set their availability under their profile, and candidates can chosse the right meeting time directly in a web interface. Once selected, both people (recruiter and candidate) will receive a calendar invite via email.
- Ability to share multiple candidates using an external link.
- Ability to define category names in multiple languages.
- Ability to see non-visible candidates in basic search result.
- Corrected issues with the Excel export feature.
- Fixed issues when filtering jobs.
- Fixed some translation issues.
- Fixed the widget to store your logo.
- Added extra security. You can’t get enough…!
- And fixed some pesky bugs.
Check out the new features yourself by requesting a demonstration. Enjoy!